MSC Apex

MSC Apex Modeler is a CAE specific direct modeling and meshing solution that streamlines CAD clean-up, simplification and meshing workflow. The solution features sophisticated and interactive tools that are easy to use and easy to learn.
Direct Modeling
Direct modeling allows users to create and edit geometry interactively. Simply select the entities of interest, such as a face, edge or vertex, and push, pull, or drag to implement any modifications. Direct Modeling is complemented with built in meshing technology.
Mid-surfacing and Meshing
For models that have already been meshed and require further geometry modification, use any of the Direct Modeling or Geometry Clean-up/Repair tools and the mesh will be immediately regenerated.
Easy to Learn, Easy to Use
MSC Apex was designed to have multi-purpose tools so as to make the application easy to use. It also features numerous learning aids such as tutorials, video based documentation, workflow and at-mouse instructions which promotes single day productivity.
MSC Apex Sturctures is a integrated solver which helps to validate mesh quality, assign materials properties and boundary conditions and solve . MSC Apex automatically updates model definitions when change is done to the model at any stage.


Geometry Repair



Linear Static

Linear Buckling

Frequency Response