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3D Printers

Elephant Gray

Elephant Gray

This large-scale 3D printer was designed for the industrial production of complex shapes in stone-like materials.

Expanding Industrial Capabilities with Large-Scale 3D Printing

Extensive Print Dimensions and Usability

The efficacy and range of applications for any 3D printing technologies are fundamentally determined by its maximum 3D print build volume. Upscaling to larger print sizes brings significant cost advantages and opens a variety of novel use cases, especially in industrial contexts. With a strong emphasis on ‘large-scale’ capabilities and leveraging extensive experience, CONCR3DE has developed an integrated production solution. This solution is specifically designed to fabricate large-scale objects using stone-like materials, making it an ideal choice for industries seeking to enhance their production efficiency and output quality.

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Comprehensive Production Integration

The Elephant Gray 3D printer is meticulously engineered to produce complex shapes and intricate details on an industrial scale. By leveraging the numerous advantages of binder jetting 3D Printing technologies —including high speed, precision, and flexibility—CONCR3DE offers a solution that is perfectly aligned with the demands of industrial production. The system includes advanced automated powder feeding mechanisms, interchangeable Job Boxes, and specialized industrial post-processing stations. These stations are designed for automated cleaning, efficient powder recycling, and effective sealing, all tailored to accommodate Elephant Gray’s large build volume. This comprehensive integration ensures seamless and optimized production processes, making it a standout solution for large-scale manufacturing needs.

Seamless Integration into Existing Infrastructure

CONCR3DE customizes the Elephant Gray 3D Printing machine to ensure optimal integration within your existing production processes. Depending on the specific types of products, 3D Printing materials options, and dimensional requirements, CONCR3DE configure the Elephant Gray to fully meet your unique needs. The modular Station add-ons are designed to account for all critical process variables, ensuring smooth integration into your facility. Considerations include existing production routing, available infrastructure, and any specific production constraints, ensuring that the implementation of Elephant Gray enhances overall efficiency and productivity without disrupting your existing workflows.

High-Resolution Supersized 3D Printing

Precision and Efficiency in Large-Scale Printing

Our large-scale Elephant Gray consists of a Printing Bar mounted on a gantry. The Printing Bar deposits a thin 3D Printing powder layer covering the entire Job Box. It then jets the binder in the shape of the object layer, accurately solidifying the powder. All unused powder can be 100% recycled, and without the necessity for support structures, the print process itself produces zero waste. Unlike traditional large-scale 3D printing technologies, which often lack the precision for intricate details, the Elephant Gray excels in 3D printing accuracy, enabling production runs with an accuracy of 50 μm. This exceptional 3D printed part accuracy allows for the creation of complex shapes with unprecedented surface quality and detail. This high level of precision ensures that even the most intricate designs are faithfully reproduced, making the Elephant Gray an ideal solution for applications requiring meticulous detail and superior surface finishes.

Tailored Materials for Diverse Applications

Our pre-engineered range of stone-like 3D Printing materials for large-scale printers includes options such as limestone, granite, and marble. These robust materials offer excellent compressive strength and durability, making them highly suitable for outdoor applications. Each material is optimized for smooth surface printing, minimizing the need for further post-processing. Additionally, the open platform nature of the Elephant Gray printer allows for the use of custom mineral formulations. If your current raw material is available in powder form, it can potentially be transformed into a custom print material. This versatility extends to upcycling waste streams, such as sawdust or minerals from urban mining, into valuable products, aligning with sustainable production practices.

By expanding each paragraph with additional details and technical insights, the revised content provides a more comprehensive and professional overview of the large-scale 3D printing capabilities and integrated production solutions offered by CONCR3DE.

We’re ready to solve the next generation of manufacturing obstacles. Are you?

Technical Specifications

Elephant Gray
Print box dimensions (X, Y, Z) 1.000 x 2.000 x 1.000 mm
Accuracy & repeatability (X, Y, Z) 50, 50, 30 µm
Printhead precision 400 DPI
Layer height 300 µm
Capacity 2.000 liters/day
Print Speed 54 mm/hour
Powder compatibility PS range mineral powders
Binder compatibility BS range binders
Maximum power requirements 2 x 400 V
Dimensions 2.800 x 6.500 x 4.500 mm
Connectivity Ethernet
Software NOAH (included)


Industries We Serve with 3D Printing & Advanced Manufacturing

Rapid Prototyping

Functional Prototyping


Injection Molding

Jigs and Fixtures

Production Parts

Rapid Prototyping


Jigs and Fixtures

Production Parts

Spare Parts

Rapid Prototyping

Functional Prototyping

Concept/ Injection Modeling

Orthodontic Models

Cast Partial Frames

Implant Models

Surgical Guides


Preclinical Testing

Clinical Training Models

Medical Manufacturing

Surgical Planning Models